Thursday, May 8, 2014

Super Spinach Green Juice Recipe

There are not many leafy greens that give you more alkalizing green juice with minimum bitter taste than spinach. If you really want to create a wonderfully green and chlorophyll rich juice, this spinach juice recipe will do wonders for your health. All spinach by itself is still a bit much for most people, if you don’t mix it with at least one more ingredient. I like to use cucumber as it is water dense and helps thin out the spinach juice a bit. If you can’t handle just the spinach and cucumber you can add a squeeze of lemon to add another dimension to the juice.

 The beauty of this juice is that it is low calorie, low sugar, high in nutrition and alkalizing. Ingredients: 4 to 5 large handfuls of Spinach 1 medium cucumber ½ lime (optional)

Wash and prepare the ingredients as you typically would for your juicer. Add in the Spinach first followed by the cucumber to wash as much of the spinach juice through. Add a few slices of lime without the peel or squeeze the lime to the finished juice and stir.

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